Sunday, November 21, 2010

How important is fuel filter change?

there is no way for an ordinary guy to know how durty or clean is the gasoline we pump from the gas station into our gas tank

we pressume it is a good quality, is it?How important is fuel filter change?
AL fuels sold in the USA have to meet minimum requirement so gas stations don't sell bad gas. (Another example of one of those ';ridiculous government regulations.) Most stations get their fuel at the same place. The difference is the additive package that is put into the tank before the tanker gets to the fuel depot. However, there are, and always will be, bits of things in the tanks. It gets there from opening the lid when the fuel is delivered, things coming loose in the holding tanks, water condensation inside the tanks, and whatever gets into your own fuel tank in your vehicle. The job of the filter is to strain this out before it gets to your injectors or carburetor and clog things up. After a while your filter gets full of this stuff and gets clogged up. Your engine gets starved for fuel and your vehicle starts pinging and getting worse gas mileage. Finally your engine won't run and your fuel pump ends up burning out. If you change your fuel filter periodically you end up saving not only gas, but also costly repairs.How important is fuel filter change?
I have a GM mechanic friend who tells me to replace the fuel filter every year. He said they're getting so many more injector problems than they used to. I also have the good quality fuel system cleaner done every 30,000 miles. I had an injector replaced once. Now I do more preventitive maintenance.
fuel filters do get dirty...

and there very easy to replace and do need replacing.
Yes you need to get one. Even if the gas is perfect theres a chance of getting something in your tank just when you pump your gas. If the pump has a piece of sand on it and you place the pump in the gas tank. Then theres a piece of sand in your filter.
I usually change mine about every six months. It probably doesn't need it that often but I like to make sure it stays clean. Really the only time you have to change it is when you feel your car lagging or it feels like you don't have as much power as you usually do.
REALLY, it ads life to your care and improves fuel economy and power
mid stream of pumping stop and let a drop or two come out look at the color.
Once your fuel filter gets dirty you're car won't run correctly. There usually is some amount of trash in gas and over time it accumulates in your gas tank.
The fuel filter being changed is very important. A dirty filter is a non-working filter; meaning dirt (imagine all the old gunk that has built up being pushed through)is getting through. As far as the quality of gas, there are some gas stations around here that water down their gas (they do this and lower their gas prices). This watered down gas burns very VERY fast. Not everyone has good quality.
I use to be a mechanic we would see cars that never changed them and all of a sudden they wanted it changed. Well when you wait a while to change it then do it there is a chance your pump may go out. The reason for it to go out is it is use to working harder then you change your filter, it is use to the hard work so it keeps pumping hard then burns out.
It is as important as your air, oil or any other item that improves the performance of your vehicle will in turn add to it's longevity and to your safety.

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